Hi, Can you please take a video showing "problem 1: if i unplug my phone from the hub, my computer pc connected to my home network loses network connection, i have to plug out the ethe...
Hi, Can you please take a video showing "problem 1: if i unplug my phone from the hub, my computer pc connected to my home network loses network connection, i have to plug out the ethe...
@Selore Global i confirm the firmware update didn't change anything, still disconnected from network in less than 1 hour ethernet port is not usable in this conditions
@Selore Global ok thanks for the link , i updated one of my two hubs , now testing if all working as espected
Sorry for the mistake, the link is: https://we.tl/t-nVemVCcWbI
@Selore Global concerning the link i don't see any firmware download , the page displaying is about another product on your store ...
@Selore Global hello , I'm not using the hub on a windows pc , i'm on a samsung s10 and s21+ android smartphone
And also you can download the firmware from this link: https://bit.ly/3sqaYCK
Hi Lox Lau, Thank you for posting! Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you due to the docking station. This problem may be related to the computer settings. Before proceeding to the next step ...
Hello, I have 2 problems using my 13 in 1 hub (this one : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0B49TP6GL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) i use it with a samsung s10 and sometime...